March 7, 2025

The weekly Roundup: posts You might have missed

good morning, young lady. rise and shine.

Ooh! Gjett hva? I found out I’m going to be an aunty! Yup, my girlfriend Jen is going to be a mom. yesterday I met her and my other BFF Cindy (we’ve known each other since childhood) for a girl’s spa day, and out on the sidewalk before we walked in, Jen said, “Okay, don’t freak out, but I scheduled a pregnancy massage.”


Yea! I plan to be the cool aunt (the one you’d run to when your parents were being square).

I’m secretly hoping it’s a girl because then I could buy her really cute outfits…

Anywho, I think that calls for some coffee! Are you sufficiently caffeinated yet? I’m running a little behind.


Cats & makeup Sweatshirt ??


Handle nå

Before we get going today, how about one last look back at some of the makeup and beauty products we talked about this week?

The weekly Roundup: posts You might have Missed


The idea of makeup designed to look great on everyone always gets me excited. What a cool idea, right? — products without boundaries or inhibitions; colors able to get along with everyone.

It reminds me of the time I walked in on a party to find a bunch of people in a huge drum circle. At first I thought, “Uh, oh. Not my scene,” but then I grabbed some bongos and started banging away. before long I felt right at home.

Tarte must have had a world like that in mind (maybe?) when they developed the new Tarte NeutralEyes Eye shadow palette ($44). like all of their products, it’s cruelty-free, which scores may-jah points in Tabs’ book. new for spring, the palette comes chock full of good stuff. Les mer…

DID SMASHBOX put THEIR limitless liquid LINER
What’s the secret to the Smashbox waterproof limitless liquid liner Pen’s ($22) water repelling powers? could it be the seasoning perhaps?

Unless I missed the makeup challenge on top chef this season, the inclusion of sea salt in the formula must have been a Smashbox idea. Does it help the product work? I’m not sure, but I do see that the company’s limitless Eye liner and their bestselling Jet set waterproof Eye liner are 100% sea salt-free.

Even if the spice is purely cosmetic (weird!), this bad boy repels water and sweat like a champ. The other day I drew the Black shade along my upper lash line before hopping on the treadmill, and roughly one bucket of perspiration later, it still looked good with nary a smudge. Les mer…


Sweet holy hydration, Batman! According to the folks at Rimmel, their new moisture Renew Lipglosses ($6 each; available in 14 shades) reduce dryness up to 95%. That’s a lotta hydration, and lawd knows my lips need it, but seriously, how do they come up with these numbers? Why not say 97%? and doesn’t “up to 95%” also include zero? but I digress…

Getting down to brass tacks, I do think Renew, which I’ve tried in Pink Protect, feels fantastic on my lips. Its light and smooth non-sticky texture certainly doesn’t dry out my lips, and that’s a definite plus.

The new line launched earlier this spring on the heels of last year’s fantastic moisture Renew Lipsticks. like those lippies, these catch and reflect sunlight like my favorite pair of aviator sunglasses, and with the addition of SPF 15, they’re not a bad deal for $6 each (although I do think they have quite a bit of competition at that price punkt). Les mer…


No, that’s not hot mustard up there, but it’s something no less exhilarating. I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it before (this was the last thing that prompted me to say that). It’s an exfoliator…FOR HAIR!

I really expected the new Redken Nature’s Rescue Refining Sea polish ($19 for a 3.4-oz. tube) to be a gimmick, but it [turned out to be] kind of brilliant instead. I mean, we already exfoliate our face, bod and our gnarly @ss feet (gurl, don’t make me bust out my heel buffer/parmesan cheese grater on you, and don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about ), so why stop with our hair?

To use, just apply the non-foaming Sea polish paste after shampooing but before conditioning, massaging it gently into your hair section by section. The product contains exfoliating grains of pumice which, when massaged into the hair, scrub away any built-up hair products, grit and grime your shampoo may have missed, while also refining and polishing. Les mer…


Forget “champagne wishes and caviar dreams.” I prefer “makeup wishes and Soft Lip Creams.”

In my wildest beauty nerd dreams, I’d visit each of the 11 cities featured in the new NYX Soft Lip Creams line ($6 each) just to be able to wear each color in the city it belongs. first London, then Amsterdam, ANtwerp, Stockholm, Monte Carlo og Milan. Derfra er det over Adriaterhavet til Istanbul, ned til Abu Dhabi, lenger ned til Addis Abeba, vei, vei østover til Tokyo, og deretter helt over Stillehavet for å ende i Sao Paolo, Brasil.

For å fullføre fantasien ville jeg selvfølgelig fly forretningsklasse, og Ben McKenzie Love ville følge meg på reisen (beklager, El Hub!). På fly, i tog og biler, ville vi snakke i timevis om Hunger Games, og deretter, et sted over Middelhavet, ville han avsløre sin hemmelige fetisj for Crazy Cat Ladies. Les mer…

Bli naken for mindre med NYX
Naken på naken palett

Husker du for noen år siden da det virket som annenhver dag en annen kjendis ville bli fanget ved et uhell å blinke godbitene hennes på kamera? Det skjedde vanligvis mens de gikk ut av en limousine, falt fra en barkrakk eller skled av en sofa i klubben.

Nå tviler jeg alvorlig på at L. Lo, Brit-Brit eller P. Hilt har hatt noe å gjøre med de nakne/nøytrale/nakne øyenskygge-palettene som har kommet på sminkebenker i det siste, men det får meg fortsatt til å lure på: er dette en tilfelle av liv som imiterer kunst, eller bare en annen merkelig sminke tilfeldighet?

Uansett klager jeg ikke. Jeg vil gjerne ta en annen palett med gode gammeldagse bærbare nakenbilder og nøytrale hver dag i uken.

Buzz har bygget seg for den siste i rampelyset, NYX -naken på naken øyenskygge og leppepalett for våren ($ 25). Noen kaller det en dupe for Urban Decay’s dyrere nakne palett ($ 48). Les mer…

Jeg har tatt en glans til disse
Nye Nars Illuminators

Sannhet: Noen ganger ser jeg på frukt utelukkende som et kjøretøy for levering av Nutella – et Nutella -leveringssystem, hvis du vil, med den endelige destinasjonen som magen min.

Og på en måte er de nye flerbruks-Nars Illuminators i super orgasme, Copacabana og Laguna ($ 29 hver) akkurat sånn. Væsken (som frukt) fungerer som kjøretøy for å levere glitter/perle (Nutella) til huden.

Ok, jeg kunne ha brukt en bedre analogi … men jeg tror du vet hvor jeg skal med dette. Tingene er i utgangspunktet skimmer suspendert i en veldig ren farget væske.

De nylig utgitte nyanser følger opp fjorårets skinnende, flerbruks orgasme-illuminator, og som orgasme er de også designet for å fungere som rødmer, bronzere og/eller høydepunkter. Les mer…

Denne bronsegudinnen er en stjerne
Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Sea Star Bronzing Blush

Hotness! Kan vi vennligst passere “gå” og hoppe direkte til sommeren?

Vær så snill??

Jeg kan ikke gjøre det mye lenger … det er viktig at jeg snart skal være ved bassenget, og varm, iført Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Sea Star Bronzing Blush ($ 34) på ​​kinnene mine.

Sea Star er en Golden Peachy Pink Blush, både pigmentert og skinnende, fra den nye bronsegudinnen Soleil Summer 2011, og jeg antar at den vil se bra ut på et bredt spekter av hudtoner. For å bruke den, blander jeg fargene som består av den rosa sjøstjernen med den sandete ferskenbakgrunnen i pannen; For meg ser den kombinerte skyggen ut som en litt mindre skinnende versjon av den nydelige Nars Orgasm. Les mer…

Hva er prisen på perfeksjon?
Omtrent $ 6,50, takket være Covergirl Lip Perfection Lipstick

This spring is shaping up to be a memorable one for drugstore lippies, with lips (and wallets) everywhere doing the dance of money-saving joy. First, the long-wearing $10 L’Oreal Infallible Le Rouge lipsticks left their mark; then, the buttery $6 NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams leaned in for a kiss.


But the newest girl in town is a moisturizing lipstick from Covergirl. It boasts a lightweight texture, bold (yet still budget-friendly) color and comes in a whopping 44 shades. Covergirl’s new $6.50 Lip perfection Lipsticks were designed by Covergirl global creative design director (and magic makeup maven) Pat McGrath, who’s kinda like the Midas of my makeup world; everything she recommends turns into makeup gold. Les mer…

Din vennlige skjønnhetsavhengig, rusavhengig,


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