March 14, 2025

Makeup samt klageblogg Monday Poll, Vol. 215

You may be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Vel, det er ikke mye av en meningsmåling. Det er mye mer bare en jevnlig utviklende (devolving?), Noe tilfeldig notering av bekymringer jeg har satt ut til besøkende hver mandag morgen de siste fire årene. Jeg har alltid vært glede i å lese svarene dine i kommentarene, så vel som jeg håper du gleder deg til å lese min.

Pretty great for a Monday, however I’m a bit woozy from allergy meds. Yup, spring is in the air. other than that, things are a-okay. The sun is shining, as well as it feels like it’s going to be a fantastic day.

What type of protection do you like in foundation?
For pics as well as events, I like full coverage, however for daily wear, I like light-to-medium coverage.

Do you now, or did you ever, own a appeal bracelet?
Åh, ja. I have a couple of cheesy costume ones from when I was a teen around right here somewhere (I believe they’re in my pink as well as eco-friendly Caboodle, ha!).

Your preferred youth games?
Connect Four! I likewise liked tether-ball, Chinese jump rope as well as high jump.

Have you ever thrown your pet a birthday party?
No, however that’s a fantastic idea! The only issue is, Tabs was a stray, as well as I don’t understand the date of his actual birthday. as well as I’m a bit reluctant to take my crazy feline lady-ness to that level. perhaps in a few years, though…

Last person to whom you said, “I like you.”
El Hub, ideal before he left for work.

A tune that reminds you of college?
Are You That somebody by Aaliyah. I listened to everything with my senior year whenever I’d get prepared to go out.

Kan du holde på en hemmelighet?
I can, however I wouldn’t want to if it was a trick that might hurt somebody else. In those cases, I’d rather just not know.

What are you using on your lips ideal now?
NARS velvet Lip Gloss Pencil in Buenos Aires from the new summertime 2012 Collection.

Ukentlige mål:
Make some headway on a few composing projects, get back on track with my workouts, do a bit bit of cleaning (so I don’t have to do everything on the weekeend), as well as get to bed by 10 every night (seems like I’m always aiming for this however falling short).

G’morning, friend! I’m just about to jump on the treadmill. back when I was younger, I was an afternoon/early evening exerciser, however that’s altered over the past couple years. Now, if I don’t work out in the morning, it normally doesn’t occur at all.


While I go do my finest perception of a hamster on a wheel, let me understand exactly how you’re doing with a quick hi in today’s Monday Poll.

For å fullføre mandagsundersøkelsen, bare kopier det som følger med listen, samt lim den inn med svarene dine i kommentarene.

1. Stemning:
2. What type of protection do you like for foundation?
3. Do you own a appeal bracelet?
4. Your preferred youth games?
5. have you ever thrown your pet a birthday party?
6. Last person to whom you said, “I like you.”
7. A tune that reminds you of college?
8. Can you keep a secret?
9. What are you using on your lips?
10. Vanlige mål:


Enjoy the rest of your day, as well as please take additional great care of yourself this week.

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,


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