March 14, 2025

MAC Naughty Nauticals Is Here!

HERREGUD! Det er her! MAC Naughty Nauticals drops today at MAC counters nationwide. right here are a couple swatches. Pretty, yah?

Eyeshadows, from left to right…


Shore Leave (veluxe pearl)

Illegal Cargo (frost)

Meet the Fleet (matte)

Pandamonium (lustre)

Submarine (frost)

Pigments, from left to right…

Lark about (frost)

Mutiny (frost)

Bell-Bottom Blue (frost)

Lovely Lily (frost)

Technakohls, from left to right…



Lipsticks, from left to right…

Buoy-o-Buoy (lustre)

Party Mate (lustre)

Ahoy, there! (glaze)

Port Red (frost)

Lustreglass, from left to right…

Hey Sailor (lustre)

Love Knot (lustre)

Bateaux (lustre)

Ensign (lustre)

How do you feel about the collection so far? Ja eller nei?

Thanks for helping me choose earlier this week which Essie summertime 2008 nail polish to wear (nail polish poll). Guilty Pleasures got the most votes, so I painted my nails with it last night while watching The genuine world (I know, I know).


THANK YE GODS it’s Thursday! I am so extremely delighted we made it. Do you have plans this weekend? I’ve got a few movies on my watch list, including 27 Dresses. I’m a sucker for charming comedies.

Din vennlige fellesskapets skjønnhetsavhengige,


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