March 15, 2025

Bobbi brown holiday 2015 Sterling nights Collection and holiday gift giving Highlights

wearing The rich Caramel Eye Palette, the Blushes from the Deluxe Cheek & Eye Palette, Pink Shimmer brick and Art Stick in electric Pink from Bobbi brown holiday 2015
I prepared a video for this review of the new Bobbi brown holiday 2015 collection, including some of my favorite highlights from the launch, but then a gremlin attacked my ankles and forced me to unwittingly erase the memory card. In other words, technical difficulties struck, so now we’re ad libbing video-free, whee!

Yup, just as a friendly tip from me to you — don’t forget to back up your work early and often.


Jeg sier bare ‘.

With that out of the way, check it out…

The new Bobbi brown holiday 2015 collection is divided into two parts — one comprised of gift sets, palettes and brush kits, and and the other a limited edition color collection called Sterling Nights.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

We’ll be taking a look at some of the pieces that struck my fancy from both parts of the launch.

First up, Sterling Nights, the color collection. It’s been on counters now for about a month, and Bobbi says that she was inspired to create the collection after a recent trip she took to South Africa.

The look is all about shimmery, jewel-toned smoky eyes, luminous skin and your choice of bright or nude lips.

Three of four Bobbi brown Sterling nights holiday 2015 sequin Eye Shadows, clockwise from the brown pan: Constellation, Moon rock and Comet ($36 each)

I was struck by how intense the $36 sequin Eye shadows are, considering that they’re from Bobbi. Baked shadows with a domed shape, they can be worn wet or dry, and they’re pretty shiny. They also exhibit very little fallout.

For a quick smoky eye, I like to layer them atop a darker base, then buff out the edges.

Also, if you end up grabbing one, be careful. As you can see from the shattered pan of Moon Rock, they’re delicate.

The collection also includes three $35 face Highlighters in Pink, Seashell and sunlight Bronze. They’re created to be able to be worn by people of all skin tones.

I’ve mostly been wearing Pink and Seashell…

Bobbi brown Sterling nights holiday 2015 collection face Highlighters in Pink and Seashell ($35 each)
Liquid face highlighters with a pearlescent finish, you can either dab them directly on your skin before foundation or tinted moisturize, or after. Or, you can actually mix them directly with your foundation or tinted moisturizer, and then apply that concoction with your base makeup.

I’ve tried them a bunch of different ways, and I don’t have a fave. They’re absolutely subtle, and they have a fresh, natural sheen just shy of shiny. I like the results.

The way they look reminds me of the BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfectors, but with less pearl. I really like them a lot, although I wish you got a lot more product for the price.

The glass bottle also makes me nervous! I entirely expect to drop one on the floor eventually.

And then there are the $27 Lip Colors.

Three of four Bobbi brown Sterling nights holiday 2015 collection Lip colors from the left: Nude, Atomic Orange and Vixen Red ($27 each)
One of my favorite things about Bobbi is how she just goes for it when she does bright lip colors, so I’m loving these. They’re just shy of opaque and have a great sheen to them. despite having good coverage, they still don’t look heavy on the lips or clear up into lip lines, so yay! When it pertains to lipsticks for mature lip lovers, Bobbi knows what’s up.

As for the 10 gift sets in the collection, my favorites are the four below, starting with the rich Caramel Eye palette ($49).

Mmm… rich caramel…

Bobbi brown holiday 2015 rich Caramel Eye palette ($49)
One of two limited edition eyeshadow palettes in the release (the other, Greystone, has cooler tones of gray and brown), rich Caramel is the warmer option. It houses two new shades, rich Caramel Shimmer wash Eye shadow and Toasted Cinnamon Sparkle, and three re-promoted colors from the permanent line called Cream, Bellini and rich Caviar.

I think of rich Caramel as a weekend, “I gotta get out the door” eye palette because the shades aren’t very high contrast, which indicates that they don’t require a lot of time to blend. They’re also moderately pigmented, which is another thing that makes them easy to blend.

On top of a primer, the shadows last all day on me and don’t clear up into my fine lines.

Perfect for subtle, natural makeup looks.

Bobbi brown holiday 2015 rich Caramel Eye Palette
I know that Bobbi’s propensity for low levels of pigment in her shadows frustrates some makeup lovers who like intense eyeshadows, but ya know…there’s a time and a place for less intense looks, like when I’m chillin’ with my family or going to a meeting for work.

When time is of the essence and/or I’m feeling lazy, these are great.

Just keep that in mindNår du sjekker disse ut og du merker det lave pigmentet.

På det notatet, si howdy til $ 85 Deluxe Cheek & Eye Palette.

Bobbi Brown Deluxe Cheek & Eye Palette ($ 85)
Som rik karamell, er det begrenset utgave, men det består av åtte pulver øyenskygge og to pulver rødmer, som alle er laget for alle hudtoner, men jeg tenker at noen av de kjøligere tonede nyanser i den to-tiered paletten kan Vær litt mer smigrende på kjølig tonet gals.

De fleste pulver i paletten er omfremmende, forresten. Begge rødmene, ørkenrosen og blekrosa, blir re-fremmer, som er seks av de åtte øyenskyggeene (elfenben, sement glitrende, glimmer glitrende, gylden bronse metallisk, blek rose og kaviar). De eneste nye nyanser er lilla haze og stålgrå.

Bobbi Brown Deluxe Cheek & Eye Palette
Som den rike karamell øye paletten, er disse ikke pigmenterte kraftverk. De er helt mindre pigmentert enn et gjennomsnittlig produkt på Mac eller Nars. Når det er sagt, kan du forbedre dem ved å bruke dem på toppen av en kremskygge eller fuktige børsten først, så du har muligheter.

Når det gjelder den nye $ 47 shimmer murstein i rosa, er det en varm, perle rosa, og du kjenner den glimrende mursteinboren – du kan bruke de enkelte fargene som øyeskygge, eller virvle dem sammen og bruke dem som en highlighter, som er hvordan jeg bruker dem mye av tiden.

Bobbi Brown Holiday 2015 Shimmer Brick i Pink ($ 47)
Med en finish som veldig mye som Beccas glitrende hudpresentor presset, er den kombinerte highlighter merkbart skinnende og borderline frosty, men du kan slå glimmeren opp eller ned. absolutt opp gjør du. Jeg liker det på grunn av hvor vidunderlig bra det er til porene mine og fine linjer.

Jeg tror også den kombinerte rosa highlighter-fargen er utrolig pen. Den har et snev av varm bronse, som virkelig utfyller rosa, fersken og bronse rødmer.

Bobbi Brown Holiday 2015 Shimmer murstein i rosa
Sist, men ikke minst, $ 61 Art Stick Trio, som inkluderer tre av Bobbi’s full-size, full-dekning Art Stick leppestifter med en matt finish og en kremaktig formel.

Bobbi Brown Holiday 2015 Art Stick Trio nyanser fra venstre i Brown Berry, Elektrisk Rosa og Harlow Red ($ 61)
Hvis du har fått hver av kunstpinner separat, ville de være $ 28 hver ($ 84 for tre), så du får en prisbreak-ish, slags, for tre av dem med trioen.

Jeg elsker Bobbi kunstpinner. De er totale usunne helter i leppelinjen – intens, lang slitasje og lett å søke, selv om jeg tror det hjelper, hvis du har tørre lepper som jeg gjør, for å prep dine lepper på forhånd med en leppebalsam.

Sterling Nights Holiday 2015 Collection Lip Colors fra venstre i Nude, Atomic Orange og Vixen Red
Bobbi Brown Holiday 2015 Rich Caramel Eye Palette Twatches
Bobbi Brown Deluxe Cheek & Eye Palette Twatches
Sterling Nights Holiday 2015 Sequin Eye Shadows i Comet (venstre) og konstellasjon (høyre)
Fra venstre side: Bobbi Brown Holiday 2015 Shimmer Brick i Pink, og Sterling Nights Holiday 2015 Samling Face Highlights i Seashell og Pink


Hvis du ser noe du liker, er Bobbi Brown Holiday 2015-samlingen tilgjengelig Meow på Bobbi Brown tellere og online.

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