February 23, 2025

The regular Roundup: messages You may have missed

picture remixed from an original by Guillaume Cattiaux

I can’t believe it’s been 10 years already, however I can still keep in mind the day like it was yesterday. remove as a bell.


I keep in mind believing on the day it occurred about something my high institution history instructor utilized to say. He would always talk about the day president Kennedy was shot, as well as exactly how it was just one of those things that was so traumatic, so frightening, that he kept in mind every single thing that occurred to him that day. That’s exactly how it is. I keep in mind every single thing that occurred to me on September 11; the day was etched into my memory forever.

I’ve been reading a few of the stories of the households who lost liked ones, the kids who lost parents as well as are now 10 years older, as well as although there’s deep unhappiness there, there’s likewise something amazing about exactly how people keep going, exactly how they bring on, in spite of tragedy.

Wherever you are as well as whatever you’re doing today, I hope you feel safe, pleased as well as loved. as well as if you feel like it, stop by as well as state hi in the comments.


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The regular Roundup: messages You may have Missed


Late last year my other half as well as I ended up being American expats living abroad when we made the relocation to Australia from the U.S. for his new job. I understood about our huge journey months in advance, so I did the very best I might to prepare as well as examined anything as well as whatever I might about the land down unda’ before we arrived; however, I made two fatal mistakes.

First, I never completely realized just exactly how costly things would be down here, as well as second, I was unprepared for exactly how long I’d have to wait on makeup collections to make their huge debuts right here after being released in the States.

As a lady of substance, I have my needs. among them: facial moisturizer, hair products (loads of ‘em), perfume, nail polish, as well as anything relating to MAC, Benefit, Clinique as well as Philosophy. Not long after moving, I was already hitting the bottom of my assorted elixirs as well as potions, wondering what I was going to do. checked out more…

CINNAMON, CANDIED as well as eco-friendly ALMOND feel FRESH-FACED as well as SWEET

Dolce & Gabbana’s legendary eyeshadow quads are overall limelight hogs that commonly take the show in the brand’s seasonal makeup launches, however in this fall’s wonderful Temptations collection, the Smooth Eye Colour Duo in Cinnamon ($36) as well as Crayon intense Eyeliners in eco-friendly Almond ($29) as well as Candied ($29) are providing the Smooth Eye Colour Quad in Cocoa ($59) a run for its money.

Nothing against Cocoa’s warm, comfortable chocolate, cream as well as orange, however I’m liking the fresh, wonderful glow I get from these pieces even more. checked out more…


I’m making the weekend last with Tuesday this week with metropolitan Decay’s new Stardust Sparkling Lip Glosses, since ooh-la-la, sis-boom-bah! — these sheer, sparkly glosses are just as well much fun for routine weekends.

I’m still tracking down costs as well as availability on these as well as the other metropolitan Decay fall/holiday launches, however I believe it’s risk-free to presume that these will expense around $16-19 each, best according to the cost of an typical UD gloss.

Based on the three I’ve been getting to understand because late last week — area Cowboy (a shimmery champagne) Andromeda (a shimmery, peachy pinkish gold) as well as shine rock (a shimmery magenta) — these are light on pigment however heavy on shine as well as shine, as well as what I like many about them is the method they feel on my lips. There’s no grit to ‘em, as far as I can tell, unlike rather a few other glittery glosses on the market. checked out more…


Doth shimmery taupe eyeshadows make thy booty shake? If colors like MAC Satin Taupe make you want to decrease it like it’s hot, much better limber up, young lady, since Chanel Ombre Essentielle Soft Touch Eyeshadow in Fauve ($28.50) is going to ask you to dance.

Like Satin Taupe’s 21-year-old cousin, shimmery taupe Fauve is a bit of a celebration girl. Her fabulous flecks of silver shine differentiate her from daily workhorse shades, as well as when I swatched the shadow at the counter last week, I should have sounded like a hungry Homer Simpson when I spontaneously said, “Mmmmmm… glitter.” checked out more…

COLLECtion springer inn i høsten

For aller første gang i mange måner følte jeg en chill i morges da jeg gikk ut av sengen, så vel som før jeg gjorde metoden min nede med faner, samlet jeg meg med lange bukser en genser og kappe.

Bluh …

Det viste seg å være] solfylt i dag, men det kraftige kysset av skarp luft som innvarsler høsten aldri helt bort. Snart vil eiketreet utenfor vinduet mitt miste bladene, så vel som solen vil gå hver ettermiddag før El Hub får hus fra jobb.

Fall vil ikke vente bare siden vi ønsker det, men i det minste vil de spenstige nye leppeproduktene i Dolce & Gabbana fantastiske fristelsesamling ikke alt om høst. sjekket ut mer …

Golden-haireds har virkelig mye morsommere
Med Chanel ufravikelig intens mascara i lilla

Truer -ord ble aldri talt – i anbefaling til Chanels nye uforlignelige intense mascara i lilla ($ 30, en del av den nye Advanced Eye Collection). Den aller første gang tryllestaven prydet baksiden av hånden min, så vel som jeg fikk et flott blikk på fargeprøven, fryktet jeg at fargen på denne brunlige plommen ville gå tapt på min mørke kant. Men å, nøyaktig hvordan jeg ønsket å tro!

Den rasjonelle delen av hjernen min uttalte at jeg ikke skulle forvente mye; Den uttalte at jeg aldri ville kunne se fargen på de mørke vippene mine, men den kokosobsesserte delen av hjernen min fortsatte å fortelle meg ikke å bekymre meg. “Tillit til Coco, Karen. hva som vil ordne seg til slutt. ” sjekket ut mer …

Den rike fargeens øyenskygger i Bobbi Brown Marrakesh Trendy Collection
Elsker kvinner i 30-, 40-, 50 -årene så vel som utover

Å ikke lyve, Marrakesh Trendy er mest sannsynlig det mest begeistret jeg har handlet om en Bobbi Brown -utgivelse på en stund. De nye rike øyenskyggen, whew! type fantastisk.

Men før vi dykker inn, la oss “pip, pip, pip! â € ”sikkerhetskopierer et sekund. Bobbi introduserte nylig denne nye høstkolleksjonen for øyne, lepper så vel som kinnene på Bobbi Brown -tellere så vel som på samme måte på nettet. De rike øyenskyggene ($ 24 hver), en helt spankin ‘nye linje med pulverskygger, overskriften lanseringen.

Jeg satte samlingen for et par uker siden; Beste utenfor flaggermusen, jeg hadde en følelse av at Bobbis rike farge øyenskygger ville rocke meg ned til Electric Avenue. as well as they did. Nå, etter å ha brukt to av de åtte nyanser, klør jeg for å få noen flere. sjekket ut mer …

Samlingen gjør det enkelt å smile for kameraet

Fotografering Geek Alert! everybody please stay calm, however this is type of a huge deal, particularly if you’re a fellow photography geek and/or major MAC fan.

When I heard a while back that acclaimed new York professional photographer Cindy Sherman was going to be taking pics for the new MAC autumn Colour collection, I almost dropped my DSLR!


Sherman’s most likely finest understood for her self-portraits, where she gets into a particular character as well as does the whole set as well as caboodle herself — whatever from her own makeup, to styling, to modeling for the shoots and, of course, taking her own pics — as well as her work commonly tackles topics like women in society, media as well as art. checked out more…

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